The Clean Up Crew in Dungeon World:
In many Underdeep complexes throughout the known (and sometimes unknown) worlds of fantasy, there are some usually parasitical monsters who are part of what are affectionately known as `clean up crew`. These wandering monster types move through a complex, eating anything they find on their travel through the tunnels.
Gelatinous Blob
Evil Trapper
The Gelatinous Blob is really nothing more than a stomach which slithers and slides through the dungeon tunnel complex, often filling out to fit the dimensions of the walls, scraping clean and digesting anything it makes contact with. It is said there are few things in the world the Blob cannot eat, given enough time for its digestive acids to get to work.
The Trapper is an evil entity. Only semi sentient, yet possessing enough reason to position itself in prime position (alone or in groups) where it can detect nearby movement... at the last minute lashing out with its long sticky tentacles, ensnaring a victim and pulling it into its ravenous maw.
Floating Squids normally roam the dungeon in small groups. When they encounter living (or recently dead) matter, they phychically suck its energy to a dry husk, leaving little left but a pile of dust. Its simple throat and small red mouth makes a shrill keening sound when threatened or a food source is close.
*sighhhhs* Now to take a break.... a busman`s holiday finally to finish off painting the rest of my monsters.... hundreds down, only hundreds more to do.
Let The Games Begin!!!
You Shall Not pass!!!